Shall we give cognizance to these things? If so, how much and what?
St Pius of Pietrelcina ("Padre Pio") clearly believed in these future developments and, in particular, in the apparitions and messages of our Lady given to the González children in the little village in the mountains of northern Spain called San Sebastián de Garabandal.
St Pius also believed in the coming miracle and chastisement, whilst recognising that the latter is conditional upon the response of men to the messages of our Lady and our Lord. If men turn from their evil lives and embrace prayer, penance, sacrifice and good lives, then the chastisement will be curtailed or avoided.
But, if they do not, then men can expect a chastisement which has been described at apparitions such at that of our Lady of Akita, in northern Japan, as worse than the Flood - a very sobering and disturbing thought.
These visions given to Sr Agnes Sasagawa have been approved by the local bishop and by Rome so that they, given their apocalyptic content, command our attention.
Additionally, at Akita, the statue of the Virgin wept salt tears in copious quantities - a very clearly miraculous event since wooden or plaster statues cannot weep tears, let alone in such quantities. And, no, for the sceptics, there isn't a secret hose concealed in the statue - anyone is free to check the statue very carefully for themselves!
The miraculous weeping statue of our Lady at Akita, northern Japan
The approved apparitions of our Lady at La Salette in southern France, at Fatima, at Akita and in other places, clearly point to a great chastisement or punishment which will fall upon mankind if there is no turning back to God.
Whilst this may have been deserved in times past, in the 19th century when men were turning openly against God and staging revolutions against the Church and the State, looking to destroy both and to fashion a spurious new world order in the image of man, how much more is it deserved in our own age of utter licentiousness, godlessness and venality when men have become so corrupted by evil?
Shall we then simply ignore the messages that seem to be pouring down from heaven, warning us of the consequences of our ill deeds, and imploring us to return to God and to the good?
The present level of godlessness and atheism seems unprecedented so it would be very strange if God and our Lady stood back, insouciant and unconcerned at the sorry plight of men.
In fact, our Lord and our Lady have done the reverse. They seem to have been appearing everywhere to warn mankind but always, as ever, respecting the free will of men to choose good or ill. The petitions of the Blessed Virgin have been particularly pathetic and imploring to us.
Shall we listen?
Yes, we must!
But we must also discern and not allow ourselves to be led astray by the Enemy of mankind, the Devil and his legions, who are adept at imitating apparitions falsely. So we must be cautious of false visions. Let us judge them, firstly, by listening to the Church's judgment and, absent any such judgment, by what is taught at such apparitions. If they teach any false or loose doctrine, then we must beware of them.
The Garabandal apparitions were apparitions of Saint Michael the Archangel and the Blessed Virgin Mary that are claimed to have occurred from 1961 to 1965 to four young schoolgirls in the rural village of San Sebastián de Garabandal in the Peña Sagra mountain range in the autonomous community of Cantabria in Northern Spain.
The apparitions drew huge crowds, and featured self-evidently paranormal phenomena, many filmed or photographed, with thousands of witnesses.
The girls receiving the visions were Mari Loli Mazón(1 May 1949- 20 April 2009), Jacinta González (born 27 April 1949), Mari Cruz González (born 21 June 1950) and Concepcion "Conchita" González (born 7 February 1949). The girls were not related despite having the same name.
I have not found anything contrary to the teaching of the Church in the messages given at Garabandal. However, everyone must decide for himself by examining what occurred, and what was said, since the Church has yet to deliver a final judgment.
The children in ecstasy, seeing the Blessed Virgin, at San Sebastian de Garabandal in northern Spain in 1961
It is significant that St Pius believed them. Bl John Paul II was a great devotee of St Pius. That, too, is indicative.
At the time, the Bishop of Santander determined a non constat—that is, the events could not be confirmed to be of supernatural origin.
In 21 April 1970, Cardinal Franjo Seper, then Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, backed the Bishop, discouraged pilgrimages to Garabandal and scolded those who sought to minimise the stance of the Bishop who is, in the first instance, the proper authority in such matters. Cardinal Seper said:
"…the Holy See has never approved even indirectly the Garabandal movement…it has never encouraged or blessed Garabandal promoters or centres. Rather the Holy See deplores that fact that certain persons and Institutions persist in setting out the movement in obvious contradiction to the dispositions of ecclesiastical authority and thus disseminate confusion among the people especially among the simple and defenceless”.
However, in April 2007, Joseph “Joey” Lomangino, founder of one of the largest Garabandal organisations in the USA, received from Conchita a letter, dated 12 February 2007, she had herself received from Archbishop Carlos Sierra of Oviedo, then the acting Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Santander, which read:
“I want you to know that I am open to receiving and considering all information about Garabandal, and would like to continue—as long as our Holy Father wishes me to serve as Apostolic Administrator—the work that my brothers at the Bishopric have already done in reference to this subject. What I have just done is authorize the priests to go to Garabandal and say Holy Mass at the Parish, at any desired time, and to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to anyone that wishes to receive it. I am sure the next Bishop will promote further studies to examine in depth the Garabandal events and will send the findings to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome. I respect apparitions and have known of authentic conversions. How can we not always feel the need to open our heart to our Mother Mary to tell her that we need her protection, her help, her courage, her hope, her faith and her love when faced with these events! I encourage you to keep maintaining such devotion toward our Mother”.
Lomangino, when young, had been in an accident and lost both sight and smell. He regained his sense of smell when in the confessional with St Pius of Pietrelcina. He then visited Garabandal where one of the visionaries was told that he would regain his sight on the day of "the Miracle". Joey Lomangino has since died so, if indeed this was what the visionary was told, it cannot mean that he will regain his sight in this life.
That the visions were paranormal and either supernatural (i.e. from heaven) or praeternatural (i.e. not from heaven but probably from either hell or purgatory) is evident from some of the filmed material made at the time. Particularly striking are the ecstatic walks of the children in which, without looking, they walked without stumbling or falling or stubbing their toes, even when going backwards fast.
Later still, came a miraculous reception of Holy Communion which was also photographed by on-lookers. The children are said to have received Holy Communion from the hands of angels (who, in turn, took them from tabernacles since angels cannot consecrate the Host).
On this occasion, the Host appeared miraculously as the angel gave it to Conchita on the tongue. To on-lookers it seemed as if the Host materialised out of thin air on the tongue of the child. The following is one of the photographs taken of that incident. it is a poor photograph but its veracity is confirmed by many on-lookers who saw the event.
These occurrences clearly show something paranormal occurring and of that there can be little doubt. But are they from heaven? That is the question which must be determined ultimately by the Church.
However, for the present, it is a matter of legitimate private judgement (particularly as the 1983 Code of Canon Law allows more freedom to the Faithful to make pilgrimages to not-yet-approved places of apparition).
It is significant that St Pius recognised the visions, as I said, and that nothing contrary to Catholic doctrine is evident in the messages.
Part of one of the messages was very startling at the time, but much less so now when we have the evidence of our own eyes that it is true. On 18 June 1965, our Lady is said to have told Conchita, the principal visionary, via an angel:
"As my Message of the 18th of October has not been complied with, and as it has not been made known to the world, I am telling you that this is the last one. Previously, the Cup was filling; now, it is brimming over. Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are following the road to perdition, and with them they are taking many more souls. Ever less importance is being given to the Holy Eucharist. We should turn the wrath of God away from us by our own efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with a sincere heart. He will pardon you. I, your Mother, through the intercession of St Michael the Archangel, wish to tell you that you should make amends. You are now being given the last warnings. I love you very much, and I do not want your condemnation. Ask Us sincerely and We shall grant your plea. You must make more sacrifices. Reflect on the Passion of Jesus."
Given this, it is perhaps not surprising that Cardinal Seper was reluctant to allow pilgrimages or dissemination of the messages!
However, now that we know only too well that many cardinals, bishops and priests are following the road to perdition and are taking many more souls with them, and that devotion to the Holy Eucharist has become weak, we are no longer so startled by this revelation. Alas, it is all too true and many other evils, as well!
We are told that, within a year before the Miracle, there will be a world-wide Warning which will be a personal interior vision or locution, with some unknown but powerful external signs, to every person living which will show us our conscience and cause us great grief at our sins and missed graces. It will be a "wake up" call for mankind. We are even told that some will perish as a result of the experience, presumably at the shock of it.
We are told that the Miracle will be a permanent sign at the pine grove, situated just above the little village, the place of many of the apparitions.
This "sign" will be something one can appear to touch but not feel, "like smoke" says Conchita González (now Conchita Keena and living in New York with her husband and children), which seems to suggest that it may be some sort of miraculous, transparent image that is intangible, permanently visible at the pine grove.
At Garabandal the messages give us a clue as to when these great events are likely to occur. We are told that the Miracle will occur thus:
1. On a Thursday at 8.30pm;
2. On the Feast Day of a martyr of the Blessed Sacrament;
3. On a Feast of great ecclesiastical importance;
4. In March, April or May; and
5. Conchita has been told by our Lady to reveal the exact date, 8 days beforehand.
This may be decipherable, particularly if one accepts that it must occur within the lifetime of the still living Conchita now in old age.
One possibility is 13 April. That date is the Feast of Spanish martyr for the Eucharist, Prince St Hermenegild, whose own father, the King of Visigothic Spain, ordered his execution because he would not take communion from an Arian heretical priest. Prince Hermenegild was imprisoned in Tarragona or Toledo by his father, King Leovigild. During his captivity in the tower of Seville, an Arian bishop was sent to St. Hermenegild during the Easter Season, but he would not accept Holy Communion from the hands of that heretical prelate. King Leovigild ordered him beheaded and he was martyred on 13 April 586.
It is highly significant that this is the feast of a saint who would not take communion from an heretical priest since there are many today who would consider such an action far too "scrupulous" and who quite happily receive communion from priests with heterodox views and from non-Catholic clergy.
We shall know what date is correct because Conchita will confirm the date, 8 days before, there will be a permanent sign at the pine grove in Garabandal and it will be preceded by the Warning.
We can expect the Warning within a year of that date.
Some have suggested that it might be on the Feast day of another martyr of the Eucharist and a Feast day of our Lady. One obvious date would be the Feast of the Assumption which concides with the Feast of St Tarcisius, the young Roman martyr of the Eucharist, i.e. 15 August.
Thereafter, once the Miracle has occurred and been seen, if men do not heed these great events and return to God, then we can expect a fearsome Chastisement, something, again, which St Pius of Pietrelcina believed in and warned about.
The important point which ought not to require to be made but which plainly does need to be made is that now is the time of grace in which we must seize every opportunity for penance, sacrifice, fasting and reparation, lead good lives, pray the Rosary daily, wear the Brown Scapular of our Lady of Mount Carmel and make frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament.
We should also attend mass as often as we can, receive Holy Communion and, if possible, partake of the daily prayer of the Church (e.g. Lauds, Vespers etc).

It is significant that St Pius believed them. Bl John Paul II was a great devotee of St Pius. That, too, is indicative.
At the time, the Bishop of Santander determined a non constat—that is, the events could not be confirmed to be of supernatural origin.
In 21 April 1970, Cardinal Franjo Seper, then Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, backed the Bishop, discouraged pilgrimages to Garabandal and scolded those who sought to minimise the stance of the Bishop who is, in the first instance, the proper authority in such matters. Cardinal Seper said:
"…the Holy See has never approved even indirectly the Garabandal movement…it has never encouraged or blessed Garabandal promoters or centres. Rather the Holy See deplores that fact that certain persons and Institutions persist in setting out the movement in obvious contradiction to the dispositions of ecclesiastical authority and thus disseminate confusion among the people especially among the simple and defenceless”.
However, in April 2007, Joseph “Joey” Lomangino, founder of one of the largest Garabandal organisations in the USA, received from Conchita a letter, dated 12 February 2007, she had herself received from Archbishop Carlos Sierra of Oviedo, then the acting Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Santander, which read:
“I want you to know that I am open to receiving and considering all information about Garabandal, and would like to continue—as long as our Holy Father wishes me to serve as Apostolic Administrator—the work that my brothers at the Bishopric have already done in reference to this subject. What I have just done is authorize the priests to go to Garabandal and say Holy Mass at the Parish, at any desired time, and to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to anyone that wishes to receive it. I am sure the next Bishop will promote further studies to examine in depth the Garabandal events and will send the findings to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome. I respect apparitions and have known of authentic conversions. How can we not always feel the need to open our heart to our Mother Mary to tell her that we need her protection, her help, her courage, her hope, her faith and her love when faced with these events! I encourage you to keep maintaining such devotion toward our Mother”.
Lomangino, when young, had been in an accident and lost both sight and smell. He regained his sense of smell when in the confessional with St Pius of Pietrelcina. He then visited Garabandal where one of the visionaries was told that he would regain his sight on the day of "the Miracle". Joey Lomangino has since died so, if indeed this was what the visionary was told, it cannot mean that he will regain his sight in this life.
That the visions were paranormal and either supernatural (i.e. from heaven) or praeternatural (i.e. not from heaven but probably from either hell or purgatory) is evident from some of the filmed material made at the time. Particularly striking are the ecstatic walks of the children in which, without looking, they walked without stumbling or falling or stubbing their toes, even when going backwards fast.
Later still, came a miraculous reception of Holy Communion which was also photographed by on-lookers. The children are said to have received Holy Communion from the hands of angels (who, in turn, took them from tabernacles since angels cannot consecrate the Host).
On this occasion, the Host appeared miraculously as the angel gave it to Conchita on the tongue. To on-lookers it seemed as if the Host materialised out of thin air on the tongue of the child. The following is one of the photographs taken of that incident. it is a poor photograph but its veracity is confirmed by many on-lookers who saw the event.
The miraculous communion of Conchita, poorly photographed but well attested by on-lookers present at the time
These occurrences clearly show something paranormal occurring and of that there can be little doubt. But are they from heaven? That is the question which must be determined ultimately by the Church.
However, for the present, it is a matter of legitimate private judgement (particularly as the 1983 Code of Canon Law allows more freedom to the Faithful to make pilgrimages to not-yet-approved places of apparition).
It is significant that St Pius recognised the visions, as I said, and that nothing contrary to Catholic doctrine is evident in the messages.
The pines above the village of Garabandal where many of the apparitions occurred
Part of one of the messages was very startling at the time, but much less so now when we have the evidence of our own eyes that it is true. On 18 June 1965, our Lady is said to have told Conchita, the principal visionary, via an angel:
"As my Message of the 18th of October has not been complied with, and as it has not been made known to the world, I am telling you that this is the last one. Previously, the Cup was filling; now, it is brimming over. Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are following the road to perdition, and with them they are taking many more souls. Ever less importance is being given to the Holy Eucharist. We should turn the wrath of God away from us by our own efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with a sincere heart. He will pardon you. I, your Mother, through the intercession of St Michael the Archangel, wish to tell you that you should make amends. You are now being given the last warnings. I love you very much, and I do not want your condemnation. Ask Us sincerely and We shall grant your plea. You must make more sacrifices. Reflect on the Passion of Jesus."
Given this, it is perhaps not surprising that Cardinal Seper was reluctant to allow pilgrimages or dissemination of the messages!
However, now that we know only too well that many cardinals, bishops and priests are following the road to perdition and are taking many more souls with them, and that devotion to the Holy Eucharist has become weak, we are no longer so startled by this revelation. Alas, it is all too true and many other evils, as well!
We are told that, within a year before the Miracle, there will be a world-wide Warning which will be a personal interior vision or locution, with some unknown but powerful external signs, to every person living which will show us our conscience and cause us great grief at our sins and missed graces. It will be a "wake up" call for mankind. We are even told that some will perish as a result of the experience, presumably at the shock of it.
We are told that the Miracle will be a permanent sign at the pine grove, situated just above the little village, the place of many of the apparitions.
This "sign" will be something one can appear to touch but not feel, "like smoke" says Conchita González (now Conchita Keena and living in New York with her husband and children), which seems to suggest that it may be some sort of miraculous, transparent image that is intangible, permanently visible at the pine grove.
At Garabandal the messages give us a clue as to when these great events are likely to occur. We are told that the Miracle will occur thus:
1. On a Thursday at 8.30pm;
2. On the Feast Day of a martyr of the Blessed Sacrament;
3. On a Feast of great ecclesiastical importance;
4. In March, April or May; and
5. Conchita has been told by our Lady to reveal the exact date, 8 days beforehand.
This may be decipherable, particularly if one accepts that it must occur within the lifetime of the still living Conchita now in old age.
One possibility is 13 April. That date is the Feast of Spanish martyr for the Eucharist, Prince St Hermenegild, whose own father, the King of Visigothic Spain, ordered his execution because he would not take communion from an Arian heretical priest. Prince Hermenegild was imprisoned in Tarragona or Toledo by his father, King Leovigild. During his captivity in the tower of Seville, an Arian bishop was sent to St. Hermenegild during the Easter Season, but he would not accept Holy Communion from the hands of that heretical prelate. King Leovigild ordered him beheaded and he was martyred on 13 April 586.
Prince St Hermenegild refuses to take communion from the hand of an Arian heretical prelate and is thereafter martyred
We shall know what date is correct because Conchita will confirm the date, 8 days before, there will be a permanent sign at the pine grove in Garabandal and it will be preceded by the Warning.
I've been troubled by the assertion that these were the "last" warnings. Wouldn't that invalidate the Apparitions in Akita which are approved by the bishop?
Why and how?
I always thought that the date given by Conchita corresponded with the feast of St. Hermenegild. Not only he was a martyr of the Eucharist by refusing to receive communion from an Arian clergy, but thanks to his martyrdom Goths converted to Catholicism (III Council of Toledo, 589 AD) and living rise to the Kingdom of Spain. Catholicism, indeed, was the soul that allowed the Reconquest of Spain from the Muslims alter 711 AD, and, as a result of it, the Spanish monks could evangelize the New World and spread the Catholic faith throughout America.
A greeting from Spain.
(I apologize for my bad English)
If the local bishop(s) had approved the apparitions at Garabandal, then bishop Ito could not have approved the apparitions in Akita. It would have contradicted the message in Garabandal that the warnings were to be the final warnings. This is centered on the old blind priest; if Garabandal had been approved, and the priest does not regain his eyesight before his death, the Church would have a major credibility issue (at least with me) with regard to all approved Marian apparitions.
If Bishop Ito had approved them anyway, then the credibility issue would already face the Church because of the same contradiction.
It is highly significant that this is the feast of a saint who would not take communion from an heretical priest since there are many today who would consider such an action far too "scrupulous" and who quite happily receive communion from priests with heterodox views and from non-Catholic clergy.
Well, let's not be too hard on people who receive Holy Communion from priests with heterodox views. For one thing, there are parts of the world where priests with heterodox views are almost all one can get. For another, as you know, Christ is the real actor at Mass, so that as long as the priest is a real priest, uses valid matter and proper form for consecration, and has the proper intent, we get the Eucharist, even if the priest himself is displeasing to God. The fact that a priest is president of the Sr. Joan Chittister Fan Club is reprehensible, but does not necessarily invalidate Sacraments administered by him. I would distinguish this from the case of the Arian priest from whom St. Hermenegild refused communion. Since Arians deny the divinity of Christ, and since St. Hermenegild obviously knew the priest in question was Arian, there would be serious grounds to doubt that he had the intent of the Church in confecting the sacrament, and therefore that it was in fact the Sacrament. Also, since Arianism was basically a break-away sect of Catholicism, receiving communion from an Arian would be tantamount to publicly declaring adherence to heresy.
As far as the alleged apparitions at Garabandal, I accept that the occurrences there may have been preternatural, though I'm not convinced they were supernatural. However, I am convinced we are indeed headed for a major chastisement if we don't shape up. In fact, I think we are already in its beginning stages.
JT - I asked you "why and how?".
You have failed to answer my question.
I therefore ask it again.
Why and how would the approval of the Garabandal visions "invalidate" (your word) the apparitions at Akita, approved by Bishop Ito.
See if you can ANSWER the question rather than DUCKING it.
Then I'm interested.
Over to you...
And, for the avoidance of doubt, JT, that means QUOTING from the visions, side by side, to SHOW any contradiction, real or apparent, not just giving us the benefit of your opinion and interpretation as to what the words may or may not mean.
Get the point?
I am sure your opinions are valid and interesting but let the people judge for themselves by QUOTING the words you say contradict each other.
That is how EVIDENCE works, JT.
As I say - over to you...
We seem not to be communicating. I am not talking about deliberately going to heretical sects for the Sacraments. I am talking about having recourse to priests with nutty ideas. I am not required to examine the state of my priest's soul, or to bow out of the Church because all the priests are infected with nutty ideas (and, in fact, where I live, most are, to one degree or another). My obligations still stand.
As for my being arrogant, I really don't see what grounds you have to arrive at such a judgment. I simply remain unconvinced, not unlike the local bishop. The point of my comment was not to make a case on the authenticity of Garabandal one way or the other anyway.
As to Garabandal, Bishop Fernandez’s successor Bishop Eugenio Beita Aldazabal 1962–1965) said on 8 July 1965: “we have found no grounds for an ecclesiastical condemnation, either in the doctrine or in the spiritual recommendations that have been divulged".
By June 1970 the next Bishop of Santander Jose Cirarda Lachiondo (1968–1971) published his supporting view on the doctrinal integrity of the messages of Garabandal, saying they do “not contain anything contrary to traditional Church teaching on Faith and Morals".
However, Bishop of Santander Msgr Antonio del Val Gallo (1971-1991) took a more actively supportive view of the Garabandal apparitions.
Here is an interview with him which reveals his view fairly fully:
It is abundantly clear that Bishop del Val was far from condemning the apparitions and considered them valid.
Here is what Bishop Vilaplana of Santander wrote to Donal Foley of Nottingham in England:
"Dated 28th November 1992, the Congregation sent me their reply in which it is stated that, after having examined carefully all the documents, they did not find it necessary to intervene directly or to withdraw this affair from the ordinary jurisdiction of the Bishop of Santander, which is his by right. Previous declarations from the Holy See agree with this statement. In the same letter it is suggested that if I considered it appropriate, I should publish a declaration to reiterate the fact that there is no evidence to support the supernatural nature of the alleged apparitions, and so make my own the unanimous position of my predecessors."
Quite apart from the fact that the position of his predecessors was clearly NOT unanimous (as Bishop Vilaplana must have been fully aware) it is clear, even from himself, that the CDF had NOT pronounced judgement on Garabandal in their communication to him but merely left it to him to resolve as he sees fit.
Here is a summary of the views of the Bishops of Santander, from a website that is very far from being hostile to the authority of the Church hierarchy:
You will see that the present Bishop is far from hostile to Garabandal, and neither was his predecessor.
So, if you think the Church has declared Garabandal unworthy of belief, or condemned it, you are, I'm afraid, not right.
You are also not right about the view of the local bishop.
The reality is that the ecclesiastical jury is still out ad thus we are permitted to believe it. Moreover, under the present canon law we are entitled to visit the site and pray.
Sorry, but the facts speak for themselves. Your view is merely your own private opinion and no more. It is, moreover, in conflict with 3 Bishops of Santander.
There it is.
Thank you for your response. Your right! I shouldn't waste your blogspace with unsubstantiated opinion. I have benefitted immensly from your work.
The first message of Mary at Garabandal (Oct. 18, 1961) warned of a chastisement: "...we must lead good lives. If we do not, a chastisement will befall us. The cup is already filling up, and if we do not change, a very great chastisement will come upon us."
The second message (June 18, 1965), which you quote, follows up the first: "...As my message of October 18 has not been complied with and has not been made known to the world, I am advising you that this is the last one. Before, the cup was filling up. Now it is flowing over." She adds: "I, your mother, through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel, ask you to amend your lives. You are now receiving the last warnings."
The message given to Sr. Sasagawa on Oct. 13, 1973 included the following: "As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead."
I ask, was the warning Our Lady pronounced at Garabandal on Jun 18, 1965 the last warning of a chastisement? The answer must be yes, if it was correctly reported. It must follow that the subsequent warning given to Sr. Sasagawa must be referring to a different chastisement. But it sounds like the same one to me. There may be an explanation for this but I have to take these messages literally. If she said they were the last warnings then they were the last warnings.
Yet, the apparitions in Akita are fully approved by the current bishop (who can revoke that approval) and the apparitions of Garabandal, which, as your link makes clear, have gained support over the years, are nevertheless not fully approved. I will wait to hear from bishop Zamora on the subject. But I don't think they can both be fully approved due to that apparent contradiction. Yet, if they both have approvals, I would set aside my concerns.
Thank you, ...jt
"I ask, was the warning Our Lady pronounced at Garabandal on Jun 18, 1965 the last warning of a chastisement? The answer must be yes, if it was correctly reported. It must follow that the subsequent warning given to Sr. Sasagawa must be referring to a different chastisement. But it sounds like the same one to me."
No. It's the same chastisement.
There is no contradiction.
What is your problem?
If I tell my son, "...this is the last time I'm telling you to clean your room or you'll be punished," and the next day, room still dirty, I tell him to clean his room, then I've contradicted myself and confused the kid.
"I, your mother, through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel, ask you to amend your lives. You are now receiving the last warnings." (June 18,1965)
"As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity" (Oct. 13, 1973)
Both are conditional warnings of the same event.
If I can get you to agree that there is at least an appearance of contradiction in the messages of the two apparitions, then kindly explain what I'm missing. I can't. I've tried.
Thank you,
Dear Anita,
I have removed my earlier post. It was too strongly put.
The Church forbids inter-communion with heretical or non-Catholic sects, NOT because they do not confect the Sacrament (many of them, in fact, do), but simply because they are heretical or non-Catholic.
It is a matter of public scandal and a proper understanding of the nature and purpose of Holy Communion.
As with all such laws, there may be circumstances where they are inapplicable or modified e.g. at time of death. Canon law allows for such situations and for sound reasons.
But the principal rule is clear and the reasons are likewise clear.
Sacramental Communion is a sign of communion in belief and in charity.
If one is out of charity by virtue of sin, then one may not commune.
If one is not in communion by belief then one also may not commune.
Communion is a sign of union and unity, not disunity.
Thus one is not in communion with those who hold heretical beliefs but have yet to be formally and personally condemned, but their rejection of the Catholic faith is open.
If their rejection is occult, or hidden, then, of course, no-one will know they are at odds with the Church's teaching and so no-one can be blamed for inter-communing.
But so long as someone openly, pertinaciously, publicly and genuinely rejects a teaching of Catholic dogma, it is forbidden to inter-commune with them since they have, openly, rejected the faith.
Indeed, the most dangerous enemy of any faith or organisation is he or she who claims to be part of the faith or organisation but is actively seeking to destroy it from within.
If you want to comment or change any comments, or add anything, then please feel free so to do.
I've changed this one, too.
I have no idea what you mean by "nutty" ideas, if you do not mean heterodox. In this context, it is undefined.
If a priest considers that we should not eat meat because that will cause global warming, I consider that a silly (perhaps you would call it "nutty") idea but it is not heterodox. Therefore I have no problem receiving communion from such a priest.
But so long as someone openly, pertinaciously, publicly and genuinely rejects a teaching of Catholic dogma, it is forbidden to inter-commune with them since they have, openly, rejected the faith.
Indeed, the most dangerous enemy of any faith or organisation is he or she who claims to be part of the faith or organisation but is actively seeking to destroy it from within.
No-one need "examine the state of... soul" of your priest. All you need to do is to reject him and his open denials of faith or avowals of heterodoxy.
That does not, of course, mean rejecting them as persons but merely recognising the truth that you are not "in Communion" with them and ought not, save according to the allowed exceptions, to receive Communion from them. That can be done politely, charitably, quietly and discreetly.
If there are no orthodox priests around, that is probably one of the exceptional situations but you might want to check.
Again - feel free to comment or whatever you wish.
There is one more thing that has been overlooked: the Jubilee Year 2017 will be in Santo Toribio de Liebana, near Garabandal, which houses the largest fragment of the True Cross of all Christendom. It is one of the few places, along with Rome, Jerusalem, Santiago de Compostela and Caravaca de la Cruz, where one can gain the jubilee.
Maybe this is a consideration:
On the Feast Day of a martyr of the Blessed Sacrament:
Thursday March 24th 2016 (Oscar Romero)- Martyred, while saying Mass...during the Elevation of the Chalice. Interestingly...he was born in 1917.
3. On a Feast of great ecclesiastical importance:
March 24th - Saint Gabriel The Archangel (The old feast day...the feast was moved in 1969)
4. In March, April or May:
wow for an evangelist spreading the word of God Tribunus is rather extremely uncharitable to JT and scares of potential converts. St Peter the first pope teaches us to give the reason for our hope "with gentleness and respect". On the www you are showcasing yourself as an ambassador for the Church, please try not to destroy her teaching on Charity.
Judge for yourself. I decide based on the message. I pray for priests and bishops cardinals nd popes but I never trust their word. Judeomasons have infiltrated fact and we should all be leary. Be safe
Best answers come from the heart. If your close to God and ho.est with yourself and pray the rosary prolerly and are being good you would k ow the answers! On Garabandal; I believe that Our lady said she wouldn't be returning and that was her speaking onlu to Garabandal
The problem with your prediction is that Conchita said that the big event in the Church was a one-time event, not a yearly event. This makes it pretty tough to predict.
The same could be said of you, Joe.
And are you sure you means "scares"?
Although, come to think of it, maybe that is appropriate...
I don't see your point, Slick.
No-one is suggesting it is to be an annual event.
Did you actually read the post?
Tribunus, Chill, dude. I was making a general statement. Just saying it's more difficult to make a prediction since the "ecclesiastical event" is not a yearly occurrence. You seem over-sensitive and hyper-critical of commenters. Slick
Chilled as champagne, "dude" (whatever a "dude" is!).
Actually, Maundy Thursday falls every year, last time I looked.
Isn't it you being over-sensitive etc?
Just a thought for you...
Im sure garabandel has been condemed by the local bishop.try looking up unity publishing.Thee is a very interesting piece on the so called visions.
Debate's over, thank goodness.
Dear Gerard,
If you are "sure" that Garabandal has been condemned by the local bishop then you should be able to quote what he says.
But you don't.
So you clearly cannot be "sure", can you?
Over to you, Gerard!
The debate may be over for you. That's your choice, my friend.
Your case is that because our Lady keeps saying that her warnings are the last warnings she is going to give this necessarily means that she is confined to giving such final warnings in one place, and once only.
You have no logical basis for such an assertion.
You might just as well say that our Lady should have given one warning, only once, at Fatima. In fact, of course, she repeated her warning several times.
If I can get you to agree that there is at least an appearance of contradiction in your "argument" then kindly explain what your problem is. But I can't. I've tried. You stopped listening.
All the best.
I was referring to the death of Joey Lomagino; may he be enjoying the joys of heaven he so longed for.
The reference to Mary having stated that "These are the last warnings" (plural) can logically refer to the multiple visitations the seers experienced, but not necessarily. So I agree, but it is an equivocation, and that's what bothered me. I studied biblical exegisis for years as an evangelical before I converted to Roman Catholicism, you seemed to have percieved that in your argument.
In any case, I can't see an approval from anyone forthcoming after the death of Joey, who was to have regained his sight.
Thank you for the kind words.
All the best to you and thank you for your work.
Hello "Tribunus". I loved reading about the anticipated date you plausibly justify for the miracle as being on 13th April 2017. We are getting closer and closer to that date and the world is certainly deteriorating more and more. In some ways the time seems short but in others it is so far away!! Are you still thinking along the same lines as when you wrote this? Thank you for your blog. I live in hope for 13 Apr 17! Cheers, Mary
Dear Mary,
Yes, on balance, I do. But we shall see what God intends!
Hi watch south africa when we are separated from africa its a sign of the King and the trumpets will blow for the rest of the world and the sign of the King of what is to be
You may well be right, Anonymous.
Keep on praying - especially for those for whom no-one prays.
Garabandal has NEVER been condemned ! Unity publishes lie on to of lie and refused to post any rebuttle ! I have tried numerous times ,but my letters go unanswered. AND Three Popes have been nin favor of Garabandal SAINT John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and and the Pope who actually met Conchita , Pope Paul VI !
Dear Tribunis,
Since the announcement of the Year of Mercy by Pope Francis I can't help but think how appropriate it would be for the warning to occur in that year. God's mercy will certainly be exercised abundantly when we receive the warning - the warning itself is a sign of mercy, but so too will be the graces that flow when people see the light and turn back to God seeking his very mercy!!! My expectation for the warning in that period is therefore increasing followed by the fulfilment of the miracle in the year after on Holy Thursday 13th April 2017 as you aptly consider.
I read at https://whatisgarabandal.wordpress.com/2014/09/04/a-synod-before-the-warning-update/ that a synod would be followed by schism. While this site ponders the possibility of it being a Eucharistic one I am anticipating trouble brewing after the regrouping of the Synod on the Family and Marriage after the church’s teaching on these is re-proclaimed. So if the claim that this was a Garabandal prophecy then I would this is probable.
In the meantime we must accelerate our prayers for all those who have abandoned the church in this last 50 years particularly and those of no faith at all that they will all respond positively towards the warning. God bless, Mary
Thanks Glenn and Mary!
Bishop Romero of El Salvador, who was killed while celebrating Mass, was beatified on May of 2015 and his first feast day will be on Thursday, March 24th, 2016.
Dear James,
Not sure I see the connection. Can you explain?
Watch the videos of the Girls of Garabandal!!
It doesn't matter if statements contradict other apparitions or Joey Lomangino died or any other contradictory issues. Just watch the many videos of the girls walking backwards with their heads looking straight up in a very awkward and uncomfortable position as they walk up and down steep hills over boulders and obstacles in perfect unison. Try this yourself in your dining room, walk backwards while tilting your head straight up, it's almost impossible to walk even a few feet. No-one will ever convince me that this was not a miracle after seeing the videos. If you search you can find many sources of the various videos and witness it for yourself, forget about all this statement or issues jibberish!
Have a meditation, where in the sequence of events is placed the Warning...? Isn't it before the Great Miracle? and this Miracle won't be happening within the year following the Warning? (meaning, if the Warning is today.. the Miracle can happened between tomorrow and 364 days after). I think we need to pay attention and pray for the Warning that will be our life encounter with the Holy Spirit, and after that, discus about the Miracle to come.
Thank you both for your comments. I tend to agree.
Hi There,
My name is Hannah Gonzales, i was wondering if there was a way to write or get ahold of Conchita Gonzales. If you know. Could you please respond my email address is kayla1981@yahoo.com.
It would be very much appreciated.
Okay, I am generally wary of private revelation without full blown approval from Rome. However the idea of God acting and helping us in this time through Mary is so beautiful. So, I do hope it is true. However, to help dispell doubt, could I please have your opinion on things now that Mr. Joey has passed on?
Thank you!
According to what is to occur in Garabandal, you said, "We can expect the Warning within a year of that date and thus any time after 13 April 2016.".
From what I know of Garabandal, the "Warning" is supposed to come first, and then the miracle comes within a year of the warning. The warning is supposed to prepare the world for the miracle.
GOD bless you,
I have several videos on Garabandal, and just watched a new video, and it also says 40 minutes into the video that the "Warning" will occur before the "Miracle" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jahp1-PMOeo&ebc=ANyPxKoa5Pku0jT9vMb4hgNpiSpQKHAAWSQJEtnQVTiOKEr29AhD-6Hjew8nKvLdvK9oBiMVqNGAGpOOcUK7uuWqb1l3fw4SXw .
Please, you must change your information, unless your purpose is to confuse GOD'S people. I believe in the Warning, because I was given the Warning 15 years ago in my life to know that it is going to happen, and I also believe that the Warning will take place in November of this year. Your estimation of the miracle is very interesting to me, but the Warning is more severe, and souls could perish as Conchita says from the mere fright of seeing their own soul, when it is presented by GOD to the whole world.
If you believe that the Great Miracle is April 13, 2017, then what has been given to me in mysticism by GOD as the Warning occurring in November could very well take place. The Warning is more urgent to know about, than the miracle.
I urge you to change what your article says immediately, because it is not what the girls were told, and will confuse the faithful. You must for GOD'S people print a partial retraction to correct the wrong you have written. It is easy to make a mistake, but easily corrected understanding that we are human, so please correct it at your earliest convenience.
GOD bless you
1. WORLD WIDE WARNING FROM GOD – to be seen and felt internally by ALL the world. At that moment we will see all the wrong we have done and all the good we could have done and this will be sent to purify us and correct the conscience of the world to prepare us for the great miracle.
2. MIRACLE – It will happen on a Thursday at 8:30pm on or between April 8th - 16th. Conchita knows the day that it will occur. It will take place on the Feast day of a Martyred Saint of the Eucharist, not on the Feast day of Mamma Mary but it will coincide with an important event of the church. All those present in Garabandal will see it, ALL the sick will be healed, ALL the non-believers will believe and Russia will be converted because of it. Father Louis Andrew will be found incorrupt on the day after the miracle.
3. A PERMANENT SIGN OVER THE PINES – This sign will be left as a reminder till the end of time. It will be sign never seen before by anyone.
4. THIS IS CONDITIONAL – If mankind does not fulfill Mamma Mary’s messages, GOD will send a chastisement upon the earth. Mari Loli, Jacincta and Conchita were shown the chastisement over a period of two nights. On the second night 300 people were there watching the girls as they screamed and shouted in terror. All those people afterwards went to confession and prayed because of what they saw and heard. Mari Loli was told that it will look as though the church is finished. Mamma Mary also said it will look that way because of communism.
GOD bless you
Dear Tanmara,
Either you do not understand English very well or you have not properly read what I wrote.
Let me repeat it for you:
"We are told that, within a year before the Miracle, there will be a world-wide Warning which will be a personal interior vision or locution, with some unknown but powerful external signs, to every person living which will show us our conscience and cause us great grief at our sins and missed graces."
It says "BEFORE THE MIRACLE". Can you see that? B-E-F-O-R-E the Miracle.
In other words it says exactly what you say.
So why are you telling me to "change my information"?
If you are going to tell people to change or correct their information you better make sure you read their information correctly first!
Read carefully BEFORE you comment, Tanmara.
Hi Hannah Gonzales, and thank you for your interest. I am afraid that I do not know Conchita and do not have any contact details for her. I believe that she lives in New York City and that her husband owns a pizza parlour. There may be something more on-line or somekind soul reading this may have more details. Sorry I could not be more helpful. God bless you!
My concern with Garabandal, besides the claims that it is not endorsed by the Church, is the fact that the children walked backwards. Even at times they were forced to their knees or with their heads backwards unnaturally. Yet, doing anything backwards is characteristically demonic. What's more, the Virgin asked that the girls not to bring blessed sacramentals [rosaries, crucifixes, etc.], for she wanted to bless them herself... yet of course, Mary is not a priest and cannot bless things.
These facts are more concerning than unfulfilled blind man prophecies etc. Yet, I must admit that there are a number of remarkable coincidences for that date in 2017, including the fact that 2017 is 500 years since Luther and 100 years since Fatima. As well, the St Hermenegild connection is fascinating given Amoris Laetitia and the scandal that has caused.
Dear Tribunus & JT,
I want to bring to your attention that when the Holy Madonna at Garabandal said that it will be her last warning, she was referring to Garabandal and confined to Garabandal. Thus the warnings stopped at Garabandal. If you read all the other apparitions (except Medjugorje hoax - Pope John Paul II condemned it for good reason) at La Salette, Fatima, Garabandal and Akita, you will see that they are confined to their respective apparitions. The Holy Madonna is not putting all her eggs in one basket. There is a reason, contextually based ( based on cultural customs and the degree to the gain / or loss of faith) why she has appeared around the world. The message is the same but the context is different. Thus there is no contradiction.
Regarding the death of Joey Lomangino, I have contemplated it deeply. I received an answer. At least part of the miracle to take place will be an affirmation of the greatest tenet of Christianity: the resurrection! Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ promised that that the pious, righteous and faithful will be resurrected in what is known as the first resurrection (Revelation 20:4-6). This is truly a blessing and I suspect that Joey Lomangino will be one of the first to be honoured with this gift. Thus, in the least he will have his eyesight restored.
Sadly, it appears that the chastisement will happen and it will be terrible. Many Christians will be martyred for being faithful to Jesus Christ. However, they too will be rewarded in the manner of Joey Lomangino, and reign with Christ on Earth for a thousand years.
I hope you find my comments useful and comforting.
The only opposition to this date that I have read is that Hermenegild was not a boy. Is that a reasonable stance?
A possible solution to the prophecy regarding Joey Lomangino's new eyes: Check out this website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVN4q2dCPN0
It describes a dream that Kevin Peters had regarding the tribulation. The dream begins with a very loud trumpet like blast followed by people resurrecting from their graves. This occurs before the tribulation.
In addition, in the Bible, the First Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, Chapter 4, Verses 15-17 (Douay Rheims Version)
"For the Lord himself shall come down from heaven with commandment, and with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead who are in Christ, SHALL RISE FIRST. Then we who are alive, who are left, shall be taken up together with them in the clouds to meet Christ, into the air, and so shall we be always with the Lord. Wherefore, comfort ye one another with these words."
Hence, it is possible that during the Great Miracle that many will rise from the dead as Kevin Peter's saw in his dream and that Joey will be given his glorified body, with new eyes, and see the Great Miracle of Garabandal.
This will be followed by 1290 days of tribulation of the Antichrist and False Prophet as explained in Daniel Chapter 12 verse 11. This is followed by three days of darkness. Then the three frogs, as mentioned in the Apocalypse, Chapter 16, Verse 13, who are Satan, the Antichrist possessed by Satan, and the False Prophet, will be cast into the pool of fire, burning with brimstone as explained in the Apocalypse, Chapter 19, Verse 20. Then there will be 1000 years of peace as mentioned in the Apocalypse Chapter 20.
I believe Conchitas husband has passed away! I don't understand why people would want to bother her anyway. She's just waiting for the date to let the world know. God bless her!!
Conchita' s husband Patrick died from cancer on October, 31, 2013
Thanks for this. I found this page by chance, is there a site on Facebook, YouTube, or any other source directing people to this information? If this event does occur in 2017 (or whenever it occurs), we need to be as prepared as can be. I for one, will begin visiting the Holy Sacrament more often and I hope others do so as well. Thanks again.
I agree. It is the waiting that is unbearable. I pray to the son Jesus & the father God Yahweh to give me the patience to persevere, to be ready, and not to be caught off guard.
I think JT was concerned about the phrase "these are my last warnings" which the Blessed Mother said in Garabandal. That those words would mean there should be no other apparitions by the Blessed Mother to warn us until the prophesied events have come to pass...
Today is 1/31/17. Seeing what is currently going on in the world - I think you are probably right about April 13th and the miracle. I heard that this so-called planet X is suppose to arrive right after May 13th. Anyway, there was a synod and we are now going into a schism. I'm expecting a Russian invasion and World War 3 any day now with the annihilation of many nations (Fatima). I just hope that the USA isn't the 1st to be annihilated.
How & by what mode of communication will Conchita announce the date of the Miracle? If the date of the Miracle is to be April 13, 2017, then she should be announcing the date within 2 days on April 5th, 2017. Where do I go to find her announcement if one is forthcoming? Also, since there has been no worldwide WARNING yet, one could expect that if all else is true, that this event should happen anytime now; perhaps in the 24-48 hour period just before Holy Thursday for the purpose of Our Lord & Our Lady to clearly tie it to the Miracle to occur on that day. RSVP-ASAP.
Indeed so. Nothing said or seen. So, we have 2 options: either it is a different date or the apparitions were preternatural and not supernatural. If a different date, which one? I can find know other martyr of the Blessed Sacrament in the Roman Calendar in the months of March, April or May. Perhaps I have overlooked. Can you find one? If not, then the next concatentation with a Feast of the Blessed Sacrament will be after Conchita is dead.
Question: When you say March, April or May, is that because it is supposed to happen in the spring? I saw some reference from another prophesy that said something about something happening in the early days of the year. But then I thought, by which calendar? If it is by the Jewish calendar, the year starts in September in 2017. Just a thought.
The message said specifically said March, April or May. That's why. the movable part is the Feast of a martyr of the Blessed Sacrament coinciding with a major Feast of the Blessed Sacrament. I can find none other but let me know if you have any luck...
Hello again, Tribunus. I have noticed that the feast of the Ascension in 2021 is on Thursday 13th May which is the feast of Blessed Imelda who not only died after receiving her first Holy Communion on 13th May in a Martyrdom of love, but in that year it was also the Ascension day - a feast of great ecclesiastical importance (which by the way is also the feast of Our Lady of Fatima). What are your thoughts on this being a viable date satisfying the requirements of when the great Miracle might occur? Thanks again for your blog and God bless. Mary
Apologies for being "anonymous" with my comment on 14 May 18 at 15:38 - I must have forgotten to login. Cheers, Mary
The upcoming Amazon synod is looking awfully likely to be followed by a serious schism. I had thought the one on marriage might have been the one but it narrowly escaped anything of substance apart from the usual questionable rhetoric... I refer to the significance of a synod and schism in relation to a post by "Aviso" at https://whatisgarabandal.wordpress.com/2014/09/04/a-synod-before-the-warning-update/ but this website has been closed by the user. There is however this video: https://youtu.be/aOB053TT_IQ for which the text of the interview in English is:
"Mother Nieves Garcia (Conchita’s aunt) reveals important information regarding the events that will precede The Warning.
Mother Nieves Garcia, you have some information about the prophecy from Garabandal regarding the Synod that will precede The Warning.
Q: Can you tell us more about that? A: Yes, during the apparitions, the Virgin told Conchita that before the future events occur, a Synod will take place, an important Synod. Then Conchita told the story to her Aunt. The Aunt asked her: “Do you refer the Council?” Because that was the time of the Second Vatican Council. Conchita told her aunt: “No, the Virgin didn’t say Council, she said Synod, and I think Synod is a small council.” It is impossible for a 12-year-old without any knowledge and culture to talk about Synod that didn’t exist and we didn’t know at that time, and in addition she defined the Synod as a “small council”.
I have heard this from Fr Rafinel, and he heard it from Fr Pesquera who wrote some of the first books about Garabandal apparitions. He discussed that with professor Lacques Serre who works at Paris-Sorbonne University and he described that Synod as a pre-Warning. Professor wrote him many letters in which he also described that as a “pre-Warning”.
Thank you very much Mother Neives. For the glory of God and love of the Virgin."
Daniel 12:10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHFLxfDrRYA
Any thoughts/comments welcome... Tks, Mary
It is really important we remain loyal to the current papacy and its occupant. If there is a schism it will be a rebellion against the current occupant and if anyone tries to remove him they will be assisting Satan in his work against the church. This may seem unwise to many. Nevertheless, it is imperative that he is not removed. He has NOT made any ex cathedra statements that would change the teachings of the church. While we may be tempted to want him to resign, we must only attempt filial correction. There are many who are attempting this filial correction out of LOVE for the office, But there are some calling for his resignation or otherwise trying to remove him from office. THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN. We are in critical times in which we are being TESTED. We must not fail the test by any attempts to oppose the current pope.
I feel that the warning may still happen this coming May 2020. We must be vigilant and PRAY,PRAY,PRAY.
Thanks, Mary, but what is "really important" is that we should remain loyal to JESUS CHRIST not some mere man, even if that man is Pope.
If the Pope becomes an heretic, as this one has, then it is he who is rebelling, not us.
You totally fail to recognise this and so risk falling into error.
On the other hand, we, the ordinary Faithful, cannot judge the Pope legally. That can only be done by a council of bishops.
Therefore, we must continue to treat him as Pope until a council says otherwise. But we must also oppose his grave errors.
The fact is that this Pope posted to Acta Apostolicae Sedis (i.e. made a formal official act) his heretical - nay worse than heretical - letter to the Argentinian bishops saying that the divorced and unlawfully re-married may receive Holy Communion.
In so doing eh not only impugned the Faith but also impugned the Natural Law itself which forbids adultery.
If you overlook this, you betray Christ Himself.
In failing to make these distinctions you confuse yourself.
In short: the ordinary Faithful may not remove him but a council of bishops MAY do so. St Robert Bellarmine says so in his de Romano Pontifice.
I suggest reading it.
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