What does it portend?
Freedom and democracy?
Or something sinister?
The scene of the demonstrations, Tahrir Square in Cairo, is still filled with crowds and attempts by the army and police to move demonstrators has met with opposition.
Apparently, the "revolution" is continuing, at least in the minds of some demonstrators.
Some news reports have quoted demonstrators saying that this is a movement of the people without leaders and without the need for leaders.
Only a fool would believe such a thing.
There are leaders - of that one may be certain - even if they are hidden. Indeed, protest "leaders" are already planning to set up a "monitoring council" which clearly shows that there is, indeed, a leadership. But who are they?
The military government has promised to abide by all Egypt’s international treaties until parliamentary elections take place in six months time.
Extraordinarily, Switzerland has frozen assets belonging to President Mubarak and Britain and America are being urged to do the same.
The chutzpah and sheer arrogance of US President Barack Obama has been quite incredible. Considering the Democrat Party's claim to be the party of self-determination, independence and "freedom", it is frankly little short of astonishing that Obama thinks he has the right to demand that President Mubarak leave office.
Back off Obama - it's not your country!
Needless to say Tony Blair and those of his ilk are also claiming that the army take-over is a good thing.
In fact, the suspension of the Constitution and Parliament looks like a revolution.
What next?
The Muslim Brotherhood will not be happy with the kind of Western democracy that the media think is coming and anything less than democracy may well mean that the demonstrators are back but this time they may have to face the police and the military.
As with most revolutions, the revolutionaries now think they have the sole right to choose the rulers and therein lies the danger.
Extremists can exploit the divisions and the next stage may well be instability.
Remember what happened to Iran when the Shah fell.
Israel and other nearby nations are understandably fearful of developments.
The sad truth is that, often enough, it takes a strong leader to keep some Islamic nations stable and peaceful.
But Obama need not care - he is thousands of miles away from the danger zone!
And oh how quickly he forgets how he so often used to advance the hand of warm friendship to President Mubarak.
Now his tune seems to be: "Forget it, Hosni, you're yesterday's man and I'm Barack Obama who always backs the latest fashion!"
So true. Pray that Egypt's future is a peaceful one. It is awe inspiring that the Egyptians pulled this off. I hope the transition to a democratic government is a peaceful one.
Yes, Very true. However, they leave out that they're all chanting "JIHAD", and have already hijacked about 100 boats as tens of thousands of them have already confirmed to have arrived in the last few days on Italian shores. Commentary and warnings on this are on the end of my most recent sermon found at the TCAWW homepage.
Sorry, Anonymous, but you've missed the whole point of my post. Revolution is always bad. Far from "pulling it off" the Egyptians may well have paved the way for a far more extreme kind of rule. If you think they are transiting to a democratic rule then you'll have to come back from Fantasyland before too much longer, I'm afraid.
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