Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum
Details of Services
Details of Services
St Bede
58 Thornton Rd., Clapham Park, London SW12 OLF Fax: 020 8671 5366
Rev Christopher Basden, Parish Priest Tel. 020 8674 3704
Rev Andrew Southwell – Tel: 020 8678 5128
Rev Mariusz Zacharski - Tel: 020 8678 5816
58 Thornton Rd., Clapham Park, London SW12 OLF Fax: 020 8671 5366
Rev Christopher Basden, Parish Priest Tel. 020 8674 3704
Rev Andrew Southwell – Tel: 020 8678 5128
Rev Mariusz Zacharski - Tel: 020 8678 5816
Convent of the Handmaids of Mary
La Retraite Convent
2, Atkins Road
London SW12 0AB
Rev Mother Rosa Puerta - Tel: 020 8673 1247
La Retraite Convent
2, Atkins Road
London SW12 0AB
Rev Mother Rosa Puerta - Tel: 020 8673 1247
(The choir of St Bede’s will chant the ancient and traditional services)
Palm Sunday (5th April 2009)
Dominica in Palmis - Blessing and Procession of Palms
Convent 10.30am
Maundy Thursday (9th April 2009)
Feria V in Cena Domini – Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Parish Church 6.00pm
Good Friday (10th April 2009)
Feria VI in Parasceve – Mass of the Pre-sanctified
Convent 3.00pm
Holy Saturday (11th April 2009)
Sabbato Sancto - Solemn Easter Vigil
Convent 7.30pm
Easter Sunday (12th April 2009)
Dominica Resurrectionis – Easter Day
Parish Church Mass 10.45am
Vespers 5.00pm
Grand Priory of England and
British Association of
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta
British Association of
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta
All services are in the Oratory of the Order:
The Conventual Church of Saint John of Jerusalem
the Hospital of Saint John and Saint Elizabeth
Grove End Road
St John’s Wood
London, NW8 9NH.
The Conventual Church of Saint John of Jerusalem
the Hospital of Saint John and Saint Elizabeth
Grove End Road
St John’s Wood
London, NW8 9NH.
MAUNDY THURSDAY (9th April, 2009)
Matins and Lauds (‘Tenebrae’) 10.00am
Sext 12.45pm
None 2.30pm
(Vespers are omitted by those assisting in choir at the Evening Mass)
Spiritual Conference on the Liturgy 7.15pm
Solemn Mass ‘in Cena Domini’ 8.00pm
followed by Procession to Altar of Repose and Stripping of the Altars
Compline (at the Altar of Repose) after the Stripping of the Altars
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of Repose will continue until Midnight.
GOOD FRIDAY (10th April, 2009)
Matins and Lauds (‘Tenebrae’) 10.00am
Sext 12.45pm
None 2.00pm
(Vespers are omitted by those assisting in choir at the Liturgy of the Passion)
Spiritual Conference on the Liturgy 2.15pm
Solemn Liturgy of the Passion 3.00pm
Compline, with Veneration of the relic of the True Cross 6.00pm
HOLY SATURDAY (11th April, 2009)
Matins and Lauds (‘Tenebrae’) 10.00am
Sext 12.45pm
None 2.30pm
Vespers 5.00pm
(Compline and Matins are omitted by those assisting in choir at the Solemn Easter Vigil.)
Spiritual Conference on the Liturgy 9.15pm
Solemn Easter Vigil 10.00pm
EASTER SUNDAY (12th April, 2009)
Solemn High Mass 11.00am
Solemn Vespers and Benediction 4.00pm

Corpus Christi
Maiden Lane
London WC2
(5 minutes’ walk from Covent Garden and Charing X tube stations)
Corpus Christi
Maiden Lane
London WC2
(5 minutes’ walk from Covent Garden and Charing X tube stations)
Palm Sunday, 5th - 6.00pm
Blessing and Procession of Palms and Missa cantata
Pueri hebraeorum - Palestrina
Pueri hebraeorum - Victoria
Mass for Four Voices - Byrd
Spy Wednesday, 8th - 7.00pm
Tenebrae - Matins and Lauds of Holy Thursday
Lamentations - Victoria
Responsories - Malcolm (1-3); Victoria (4-9)
Benedictus - Handl
Christus factus est - Anerio
Holy Thursday, 9th - 6.30pm
Missa in coena Domini
Missa brevis - Palestrina
Ego sum panis vivus - Victoria
Pange lingua - Palestrina
Good Friday, 10th - 3.00pm
Mass of the Presanctified
St. John Passion - Soriano
Improperia - Victoria
Crux fidelis - King John of Portugal
Caligaverunt - Victoria
Holy Saturday, 11th - 7.00pm
Vigil and First Mass of Easter
Sicut cervus - Palestrina
Missa Quarti toni - Victoria
Director: Charles Finch e: admin@cantoresmissae.co.uk
The London Oratory
Brompton Road,
London SW7 2RP
Tel: 0207 808 0900
NB: Save for Tenebrae these services are in the Novus Ordo rites not the traditional Roman rite.
Brompton Road,
London SW7 2RP
Tel: 0207 808 0900
NB: Save for Tenebrae these services are in the Novus Ordo rites not the traditional Roman rite.
PALM SUNDAY (6th April 2009)
11.00 am Solemn Mass (Latin—Novus Ordo)
Pueri Hebraeorum Victoria.
Ingrediente Domino Walter Austin.
St Mark Passion Soriano.
Tristis est anima mea Alonso Lobo.
Mass XVII (Sanctus & Agnus) Gregorian chant.
O Domine Jesu Christe Gombert.
3.30 pm Solemn Vespers & Benediction
Vexilla Regis prodeunt Thomas Wingham.
Magnificat Tone 8 à 5 Anon.
Civitas sancti tui Byrd
SPY WEDNESDAY (8th April 2009)
6.30pm Tenebrae in Cena Domini: Victoria Responsories
MAUNDY THURSDAY (9th Arpil 2009)
6.30pm Solemn Latin Mass (Novus Ordo)
Prelude: Dies sind die heil’gen zehn Gebot (678) Bach.
Theresienmesse (Kyrie & Gloria) Haydn.
Ubi caritas Duruflé.
Fratres ego enim accepi Palestrina.
Mass XVIII (Sanctus & Agnus) Gregorian.
Hoc est praeceptum meum Guerrero.
Pange lingua Palestrina.
GOOD FRIDAY (10th April 2009)
10.00am Tenebrae
Responsories Victoria.
Benedictus Tone 1 Handl.
Christus factus est Felice Anerio.
12 Noon Stations of the Cross
3.00pm Solemn Liturgy of the Passion (Novus Ordo)
St John Passion Byrd.
Improperia I & II Victoria.
Crux fidelis King John of Portugal.
O vos omnes Dering.
Ne irascaris Domine Byrd.
Adoramus te Christe Monteverdi.
Lamentations I à 5 White
6.30pm Stations of the Cross
HOLY SATURDAY (11th April 2009)
10.00am Tenebrae
Responsories Victoria.
Benedictus Tone 1 Victoria.
Christus factus est Felice Anerio.
9.30pm Solemn Vigil, Baptisms & Confirmations and First Mass of Easter Day
Canticles Gregorian chant & Russill.
Nelson Mass Haydn.
Sicut cervus Palestrina.
Dum transisset sabbatum I Taverner.
Benedictus Malcolm / Hoban.
Concerto in C (592) Vivaldi arr. Bach
EASTER SUNDAY (12th April 2009)
11.00 am Solemn Mass (Latin—Novus Ordo)
Missa Papae Marcelli Palestrina.
Christus resugens Allegri.
Surrexit pastor bonus L’héritier.
Grand Prélude (Suite du 5me ton) Boyvin.
3.30 pm Solemn Vespers & Benediction
Haec dies Sheppard.
Magnificat Tone 3 Robledo.
Surgens Jesus Lassus.
Regina caeli Aichinger.
Prelude: Christ lag in Todesbanden (62)
Isn't Vespers at the Oratory done according to the old calendar with some (needless) variations to fit in with the newer one?
I see on the LMS website that the Brentwood diocese is also having a full Triduum in addition to the paritial Triduum at St. Thomas Aquinas in Ham.
Thank you for taking the trouble to list these services. Due to illness (and impecuniousness) I am unlikely to be able to attend during Holy Week itself, but simply knowing that St Bede's exists is a great help. I will certainly get over there as soon as circumstances permit.
I look forward to your post on SSPX; if you could cover sedevacantism as well, I would be grateful!
Just one last question, if I may. Do you ever hear Mass in the vernacular, or are you strictly an Old Rite man? (I have just returned from the Palm Sunday Mass in my parish church; it's the first time I have heard this particular Mass and found it surprisingly moving.)
Martin, yes, correct!
The choice is not just between vernacular and the old rite. The new rite is supposed to be said or sung in Latin. That is another of the frauds being perpetrated upon the Catholic Faithful since Latin in the new rite is so rarely heard or seen.
Moreover, the vernacular "translations" are hardly translations at all but periphrastic travesties of the original Latin.
Even so, the Latin text of the Novus Ordo is so vastly inferior to the ancient and beautiful texts of the traditional rite that there is almost no comparison.
This one discovers once one has come to learn and understand the texts of the traditional rite and its immense richness.
But it takes time to learn and to understand it - precisely because it is so rich.
By comparison the new liturgy is very impoverished and a poor substitute.
So that is why I prefer to go the old rite as often as possible.
However, I sometimes go to the new for special family events like baptism, marriages etc.
This, by the way, does NOT mean that the new rite is "invalid". It certainly is valid.
But the new rite is gravely impoverished and denuded of prayers that have long been hallowed by time and thus by the Holy Spirit.
And as St Thomas Aquinas so rightly said "it is a crime and a detestable shame to suffer the traditions of our ancestors to be altered or destroyed".
Yet that is what Bugnini did.
It was an act of great impiety on his part made all the worse by the fact that it was imposed upon an unsuspecting fatihful.
Given that God should only be worshipped in the best way possible and given that such a way is best determined by God Himself, it follows that the traditions handed down to us and hallowed over time are necessarily the way that God has told us He wished to be worshipped.
Yet that is not what has been done with the new rites. They are largely newly confected by a committee of supposed experts (including Protestants and non-Catholics).
That was really a most impious thing to do.
For instance Eucharistic prayers 2, 3 and 4 are virtually complete inventions, despite a frankly dishonest claim that they were resurrected ancient texts. They simply weren't.
Even the so-called "restoration" of the Holy Week ceremonies in 1955 (also effected by Bugnini) was not a restoration at all but a radical slashing of the most ancient ceremonies of the entire Christian Church.
Bugnini and his accomplices simply took a chopper to these ceremonies and slashed them and then dishonestly pretended to the Church and the world that this was a "restoration".
It was nothing of the sort.
He went on to wreak a wholesale slashing of the whole Roman rite and the result has been the new rite which has been further misshapen by exceedingly poor and tendentious translations into a weak and shoddy vernacular.
This has proved amply the wisdom of all previous popes before the Council who strongly warned against the dangers of mistranslation if vernacularisation were ever to take place.
How right they were!
Since how we pray determines what we end up believing (lex orandi statuit legem supplicandi) it perhaps need not surprise us that, since the introduction of these impoverished new rites and highly impoverished mistranslations, there has been a dramatic and unprecedented loss of faith so that the Church has suffered its greatest ever decline.
What passes for liturgy in the average Parish now would be unrecognisable to our ancestors.
It has truly been, as Michael Davies has described it, a liturgical revolution and one with devastating effects upon the faith of millions.
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