"There is much said in various revelations and apparitions of modern times about a Warning, a Miracle and a Chastisement in the not too distant future.
Shall we give cognizance to these things? If so, how much and what?
St Pius of Pietrelcina ('Padre Pio') clearly believed in these future developments and, in particular, in the apparitions and messages of our Lady given to the González children in the little village in the mountains of northern Spain called San Sebastián de Garabandal.
St Pius also believed in the coming miracle and chastisement, whilst recognising that the latter is conditional upon the response of men to the messages of our Lady and our Lord. If men turn from their evil lives and embrace prayer, penance, sacrifice and good lives, then the chastisement will be curtailed or avoided."
The Garabandal apparitions were apparitions of Saint Michael the Archangel and the Blessed Virgin Mary that are claimed to have occurred from 1961 to 1965 to four young schoolgirls in the rural village of San Sebastián de Garabandal in the Peña Sagra mountain range in the autonomous community of Cantabria in Northern Spain.
The apparitions drew huge crowds, and featured self-evidently paranormal phenomena, many filmed or photographed, with thousands of witnesses.
The girls receiving the visions were Mari Loli Mazón(1 May 1949- 20 April 2009), Jacinta González (born 27 April 1949), Mari Cruz González (born 21 June 1950) and Concepcion "Conchita" González (born 7 February 1949). The girls were not related despite having the same name.
I have not found anything contrary to the teaching of the Church in the messages given at Garabandal. However, everyone must decide for himself by examining what occurred, and what was said, since the Church has yet to deliver a final judgment.
At the time, the Bishop of Santander determined a non constat—that is, the events could not be confirmed to be of supernatural origin.
In 21 April 1970, Cardinal Franjo Seper, then Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, backed the Bishop, discouraged pilgrimages to Garabandal and scolded those who sought to minimise the stance of the Bishop who is, in the first instance, the proper authority in such matters. Cardinal Seper said:
"…the Holy See has never approved even indirectly the Garabandal movement…it has never encouraged or blessed Garabandal promoters or centres. Rather the Holy See deplores that fact that certain persons and Institutions persist in setting out the movement in obvious contradiction to the dispositions of ecclesiastical authority and thus disseminate confusion among the people especially among the simple and defenceless”.
However, in April 2007, Joseph “Joey” Lomangino, founder of one of the largest Garabandal organisations in the USA, received from Conchita a letter, dated 12 February 2007, she had herself received from Archbishop Carlos Sierra of Oviedo, then the acting Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Santander, which read:
“I want you to know that I am open to receiving and considering all information about Garabandal, and would like to continue—as long as our Holy Father wishes me to serve as Apostolic Administrator—the work that my brothers at the Bishopric have already done in reference to this subject. What I have just done is authorize the priests to go to Garabandal and hold Holy Mass at the Parish, at any desired time, and to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to anyone that wishes to receive it. I am sure the next Bishop will promote further studies to examine in depth the Garabandal events and will send the findings to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome. I respect apparitions and have known of authentic conversions. How can we not always feel the need to open our heart to our Mother Mary to tell her that we need her protection, her help, her courage, her hope, her faith and her love when faced with these events! I encourage you to keep maintaining such devotion toward our Mother”.
That the visions were paranormal and either supernatural (i.e. from heaven) or praeternatural (i.e. not from heaven but probably from either hell or purgatory) is evident from some of the filmed material made at the time. Particularly striking are the ecstatic walks of the children in which, without looking, they walked without stumbling or falling or stubbing their toes, even when going backwards fast.
The children during ecstatic walks in which they never stumbled or fell while still in ecstatic vision.
At Garabandal the messages give us a clue as to when these great events are likely to occur. We are told that the Miracle will occur thus:
1. On a Thursday at 8.30pm;
2. On the Feast Day of a martyr of the Blessed Sacrament;
3. On a Feast of great ecclesiastical importance;
4. In March, April or May; and
5. Conchita has been told by our Lady to reveal the exact date, 8 days beforehand.
This seemed to be decipherable, particularly if one accepts that it must occur within the lifetime of the still living Conchita now in old age.
The next time there will be a Feast of truly great ecclesiastical importance on a Thursday in March, April or May, and which coincides with the Feast of a martyr of the Blessed Sacrament is next Thursday, Maundy Thursday 13 April 2017.
That date is the Feast of Spanish martyr for the Eucharist, Prince St Hermenegild, whose own father, the King of Visigothic Spain, ordered his execution because he would not take communion from an Arian heretical priest.
Prince Hermenegild was imprisoned in Tarragona or Toledo by his father, King Leovigild. During his captivity in the tower of Seville, an Arian bishop was sent to St. Hermenegild during the Easter Season, but he would not accept Holy Communion from the hands of that heretical prelate. King Leovigild ordered him beheaded and he was martyred on 13 April 586.
I haven't looked too much into this "apparition," but according to the 5 points you posted, can it take place on Ascension Thursday? This year it lands on May 25. I know there are several martyrs whose feast day is that day, I just don't know whether they're considered martyrs of the Blessed Sacrament. Any thoughts?
Yes, could be!
it has to fulfil these criteria:
1. On a Thursday at 8.30pm;
2. On the Feast Day of a martyr of the Blessed Sacrament;
3. On a Feast of great ecclesiastical importance;
4. In March, April or May; and
5. Conchita has been told by our Lady to reveal the exact date, 8 days beforehand.
On 25 May (Ascension Day 2017) we have the following martyrs of the Blessed Sacrament:
At Dorostorum, in Mysia, the birthday of the holy martyrs Pasicrates, Valentio, and two others, crowned with them.
At Milan, the holy bishop Denis, who for the Catholic faith was, by the Arian emperor Constantius, banished to Cappadocia, where he was martyred.
At Rome, Pope St Boniface IV, who dedicated the Pantheon to the honor of blessed Mary of the Martyrs.
At Florence, the birthday of St Zenobius, bishop of that city, renowned for holiness of life and glorious miracles.
In England, St Aldhelm, bishop of Sherburn.
In the territory of Troyes, St Leo, confessor.
At Assisi, in Umbria, the translation of St Francis, confessor, in the time of Pope Gregory IX.
At Veroli, in Campania, the translation of St Mary, mother of James, whose sacred body is rendered illustrious by many miracles.
These all appear in the Roman martyrology but I am not sure if they are all canonised martyrs.
let us prepare ... www.newphiladelphiachurch.com
It will be soon. I can feel it
No one knows the date nor will any of you be able to mathematically be able to figure it out. If the virgin Mary thought we could or wanted us to decipher it she would of just given us the exact date.
I wonder why the children could not enter the church?
The part of the apparition that most convinces me that it is not supernatural (from heaven), but more preternatural (from Hell), it that it demonstrates contrary to the maxim that "grace always perfects nature." In contrast, it is very strange that the children are made to walk frontwards, backwards, sideways without being bruised or stumbling, but also as if they were deranged marionettes controlled by a maniacal puppeteer. Our Lady never treated the children of Fatima or La Sallette in such inhuman manner - here human nature is demeaned. The same is true with the ongoing parlor tricks of the children identifying rosaries and trinkets - this is superstitious activity, which demons could easily achieve. Second, Satan always mixes truth with lies, and many do not think there is anything contrary to faith or the Gospels in the message. However, if one considers it seriously, there is a Gospel conflict that may suit a demonic purpose. For instance, the Gospel teaches at the end times that Jesus will come like a thief in the night, admonishing us to be ready, as we know neither the day nor the hour. The predicted events of Garabandal, of course, have nothing to do with these Gospel events described in the last days. However, in a maniacal sense, they do presume to suggest that at least three events with come before the coming of Christ - the Warning, the Miracle, the Chastisement. Unconsciously or even consciously, this can create an illusion for souls that they do not have to immediately fear or keep watch for the coming of Christ like a thief in the night, especially since there there have to be 3 other events that have to happen first. This can deceive souls and cause them to relax their efforts - they can sin and put off their repentance until the Warning and the Miracle - they won't be caught off guard by the thief in the night, right? They may not know the hour, but they presume it is not today or any day until the 3 events happen, right? Hmmm. How cunning is Satan. How may souls lost still. The teachings of Garabandal have a real, implicit, theological flaw that is dangerous to souls. The teachings also proved false when Joey M. died, followed by many rationalizations and justifications, of course. Scripture has something real to say about false revelation - but does anyone heed? I've even heard it said that if Conchita dies before the 8-day announcement can be given, that many would still believe the teaching. There is no reasoned-thinking here in folks deliberately embracing false teaching, even when it proves itself as such.
When asked will the miracle happen soon Conchita says yes, we have less time to wait than we did two years ago! Many many years have passed since that interview and nothing has happened. Also, Conchita said that Mary told her Joey would be cured of his blindness on the day of the miracle. Well, Joey died years ago now and was never cured of his blindness.
I’m afraid this proves the miracle will not happen.
I am no theologian but isn't Holy Thursday of significance? And was not Christ a martyr so to speak to the Blessed Sacrament? The Eucharist was born on Holy Thursday at the Last Supper. (???)
St Matthias, May 14th, 2020 Thursday, Witness to the Jesus, blessed sacrament, Chosen to replace Judas.
Or Saint Cristóbal Magallanes and Companions
Saint of the Day for May 21, as well as Ascension of the Lord, 2020. If so, we will hear from her on May 6th :)
What about these myrters. https://www.thegregorian.org/2019/real-presence-real-faith-9-eucharistic-martyrs
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