Living a life of ease and comfort due to mere circumstances of birth, he nevertheless claimed to believe in neither. He even claimed to be a "liberal" (i.e. Leftist) because his ancestors were!
Russell's ancestors were those same Russells who had seized upon the property of the monasteries, enriching themselves at the expense of the poor and becoming the new, dominant men of the Tudor period, avaricious, greedy, narrow, cunning, sly, anti-Catholic thieves, robbers and murderers.
These were the "liberals" Russell seemed to be proud of descending from.
Russell himself seemed incapable of seeing the irony of his being proud to descend from such scoundrels whilst claiming, himself, to be a champion of right. In fact, he resembled his hypocritical ancestors all too well.

the ancestors of the Russells, who enriched himself from the monasteries and the patrimony of the poor, he helped suppress the Catholic Pilgrimage of Grace, and was a friend of the odious Thomas Cromwell. On the dissolution of the greater monasteries Henry VIII granted him lands and properties of the Cistercian Abbey at Dunkeswell, Devon, the Abbey of Tavistock, Devon, and the kitchen garden of Westminster Abbey, which is now the site of Covent Garden. He was created Earl of Bedford on 19 January 1549 for persecuting and murdering Catholics, smashing religious statues and relics, and for promoting heresy. A perfect ratbag, he died in his bed.
Bertrand Russell purported to champion women but did not scruple to leave a trail of destruction behind his numerous marital infidelities.
He began (inevitably) by supporting the Communist revolution until it turned into what anyone with common sense (which ruled out Russell) could see it would turn into - a bloodbath.
As to race, he was, like Marx, a racist.
Here are a couple of choice quotes:
"In extreme cases there can be little doubt of the superiority of one race to another[...] It seems on the whole fair to regard Negroes as on the average inferior to white men, although for work in the tropics they are indispensable, so that their extermination (apart from the question of humanity) would be highly undesirable".
—Bertrand Russell, Marriage and Morals, 1929, p.266.
He was a supporter of birth control for eugenic reasons, sharing this particularly odious view with Hitler and the Nazis.
On 16 November 1922, for instance, he gave a lecture to the General Meeting of Marie Stopes' Society for Constructive Birth Control and Racial Progress on "Birth Control and International Relations," in which he described the importance of extending Western birth control worldwide so as to avoid an encroachment of the non-white races.
His views prefigure those of the population control movement of the 1960s but their origins lie deep in the so-called "racial hygiene" movement that inspired the Nazis.

Butter wouldn't melt in the mouth of this enthusiastic Nazi-sympathiser and eugenic campaigner for "racial hygiene" and the "elimination" of "inferior" races.
It was no accident that Marie Stopes was an enthusiast for Nazism, nor that the funder of research that resulted in the contraceptive pill, Margaret Sanger, was also an enthusiast for Nazism.
Sanger even lectured on birth control to the women's auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan (e.g. at in Silver Lake, New Jersey in 1926) as she admitted in her autobiography Margaret Sanger, An Autobiography. New York: W. W. Norton, 1938, pp. 361, 366–7.
In 1935 Stopes attended the International Congress for Population Science in Berlin, held under the Nazi regime. Even other birth-control enthusiasts, such as Havelock Ellis, admitted Stopes was anti-Semitic.
She was, indeed, a personal and political devotee of Adolf Hitler, once writing to him thus:
“Dear Herr Hitler, Love is the greatest thing in the world: so will you accept from me these (poems) that you may allow the young people of your nation to have them?”
Her son, Dr Harry Stopes-Roe, is an advocate of euthanasia and, along with Richard "Dorky" Dawkins, a Vice-President of the British Humanist Association which rejects any idea of God.
Now let's hear what Russell said:
"This policy may last some time, but, in the end, under it we shall have to give way — we are only putting off the evil day; the one real remedy is birth control, that is getting the people of the world to limit themselves to those numbers which they can keep upon their own soil... I do not see how we can hope permanently to be strong enough to keep the coloured races out; sooner or later they are bound to overflow, so the best we can do is to hope that those nations will see the wisdom of Birth Control.... We need a strong international authority."
- "Lecture by Bertrand Russell", Birth Control News, vol 1, no 8 (December 1922), p.2.
And the merchants of racism and death are still with us, alas, despite the defeat of Hitler and his thugs.