Wednesday 29 March 2017

ARTICLE 50 DAY - 29 March 2017 - Britain triggers the process to leave the EU....

Her Majesty the Queen's first Minister, 

the Right Honourable Theresa May MP
the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
and the First Lord of the Treasury,

by letter to the President of the European Union
activated Article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union,


Wednesday 29 March 2017,

and started the process by which the UK will leave the European Union...

Her Majesty's first Minister, the Rt Hon Theresa May MP,
Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
signing the letter triggering Article 50 of the TEU


The letter of the Prime Minister activating Article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union...

Freedom for Britain to make its own decisions....



  1. Nice to have you back mate.

  2. Thanks, Irish Jacobite! Nice to be back!
