Friday 3 June 2011

Beautiful hymn to a mother...

I think this the most poignantly beautiful tribute I have ever seen.

The music is by 15th century Spanish composer Juan de Anchieta and is entitled Con Amores La Mi Madre and is here performed by performed by the Kings' Singers.

The accompanying selection of photographs are of Signora Carla Cintoli (nee Aldega), from her childhood to 1981, presented by her devoted sons Alessandro and Fabrizio.

A few months after the last picture presented, Signora Cintoli avoided being photographed, although still very attractive, but she became ill and died in 2000, aged only 67, it seems, but clearly mourned by her family. Her husband, Sergio, died in the same year, aged 70.

Surely this devotion by her sons to the memory of their mother is both a reminder of the sadness of this life when we are compelled to witness the loss of those we love and yet, also, evidence that love never dies.

Here, surely, is a reflection of the love of God for us and especially for His mother.

Can it be that such love does not endure beyond life and death as the poor atheists tell themselves? Of course not.

Yes, we may be sure that this love endures and lives forever, both here and in the beyond.

That is because God is love and, to use the dying words of the great Ecuadorean martyr, Gabriel Garcia Morena: Dios no muere - God never dies.

Con amores, la mi madre

Con amores, la mi madre
con amores m'adormí
Asi dormida soñaba lo que el corazon velaba,
Qu'el amor me consalabe
Con mas bien que mereci.

With love, my mother,
I fell asleep with love.
I dreamed about my heart's care
and love consoled me
far more than I deserved.


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