Wednesday 6 April 2011

When republican nationalists went over to Satan...

Here he is, the arch-republican, putting the case for Satan:

I disdain to show his filth on my Blog. Readers will have to follow the link to watch the snake at play.

But be in no doubt. This republican "leader" hereby openly admits to sanctioning cold-blooded, brutal murder.

And now he sits in a constitutional parliament pretending to make law for the rest of us.

With such capitulation to evil, Western democracy seems to be sowing the seeds of its own destruction.

With these views he is well on course to spend eternity with his mentor, the Prince of Darkness.


  1. What is a man who threatens killing doing in an elected legislature; even Sicily doesn't elect Mafia men.

  2. How right you are!

    But alas! Try telling Irish republicans that...
