Wednesday 27 February 2008

THE EASTER TRIDUUM will be solemnly celebrated by the Knights of Malta at their Conventual Church in St John's Wood

The Grand Priory of England and British Association of
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta


The Conventual Church of Saint John of Jerusalem, at the Hospital of Saint John and Saint Elizabeth, Grove End Road, St John’s Wood, London NW8, is the Oratory of the Order of Malta in Britain.

The Sovereign Military Order of St John of Jersualem, Rhodes and Malta ("the Knights of Malta") will be celebrating the full, traditional Latin liturgy of the Sacred Triduum, according to the 1962 Missal. Although these services are primarily intended for members of the Order, anyone who wishes to attend will be most welcome.


Matins and Lauds (‘Tenebrae’) 10.00am
Sext 12.45pm
None 2.30pm
(Vespers are omitted by those assisting in choir at the Evening Mass)

Spiritual Conference on the Liturgy 7.15pm

Solemn Mass ‘in Cena Domini’ 8.00pm
followed by Procession to Altar of Repose and Stripping of the Altars

Compline (at the Altar of Repose) After the Stripping of the Altars

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of Repose will continue until Midnight.


Matins and Lauds (‘Tenebrae’) 10.00am
Sext 12.45pm
None 2.00pm
(Vespers are omitted by those assisting in choir at the Liturgy of the Passion)

Spiritual Conference on the Liturgy 2.15pm

Solemn Liturgy of the Passion (Mass of the Pre-Sanctified) 3.00pm

Compline, with Veneration of the relic of the True Cross 6.00pm


Matins and Lauds (‘Tenebrae’) 10.00am
Sext 12.45pm
None 2.30pm
Vespers 5.00pm
(Compline and Matins are omitted by those assisting in choir at the Solemn Easter Vigil)

Spiritual Conference on the Liturgy 9.15pm

Solemn Easter Vigil 10.00pm


Solemn Mass 11.00am

Sung Vespers and Benediction 2.30pm approx



  1. Wish i could be there. Somehow I don't think the liturgy in my local parish will be as beautiful.

  2. Is this according to the 1962 Missal?

  3. Hmm, 'traditional' for a rite put together by a committee in the 1950's? I hardly think so.

    The Paul VI rite as celebrated at the Brompton Oratory is far superior to the 1962/2008 form IMHO.

  4. Well, Old Believer, I agree!

    See my latest post on the origins of the Easter Vigil.

  5. Tribunus,

    Quite. Also the Pauline version benefits from the restoration of the scrutinies during the course of Lent with things reaching their high point for the catechumens on Holy Saturday. This strikes me as a good restoration.

    Not splitting up the Litany (as done in the 1956/62 form) is an improvement too IMHO as too is not sticking the Paschal Candle in the middle of the choir and singing or reading to it.

    Perhaps the greatest structural weakness in the Pauline rite is treating the seven prophecies as any other OT readings to be followed by the epistle and gospel. Of course then comes all the action which is again an annoying feature of the NO where anything peculiar to the celebration takes place after the gospel - but we see the precedent for that with the new 1956 Maundy Thursday evening mass.
