Monday 14 January 2008

Jefferson Davis: answering the sceptics

I am still getting posts from sceptics who are (all innocently in most cases) still so badly infected with modernist historical piffle and secular fundamentalist propaganda that they just cannot bring themselves to believe that Jeff Davis wore Catholic devotional symbols about his person.

One good-natured soul writes thus:

"I would REALLY love to believe all of this, really I would... But do you have a citation for

'Davis always wore a St. Benedict Medal and a Miraculous Medal as well as a French scapular. Someone had also given him the brown scapular of the Discalced Carmelites. All of these he wore in prison and preserved to the end of his life.'

I wear all of those as well... would love to believe he did too, but... I am not sure I believe this one."

I answer him/her thus:

"Worry no more.

You may believe it all!

There are a number of sources but this one is good:

Jefferson Davis: the Unconquerable Heart (1999) by Felicity Allen (Blue and Grey Series).

At page 440, she writes this:

'Davis wore round his neck at that very moment, besides his St Benedict medal the one already known as 'Miraculous', struck just 33 years before, from the vision of a French Sister of Charity, still living, who would one day be known as St Catherine Laboure.

Nor were these all: thin woven laces over his shoulders held on his breast and back the little cloth panels of a French scapular. Both these distinctly Roman Catholic channels of blessing had been sent to him by the Sisters of Charity who had cared for his family in Savannah.'

Believe and be no more unbelieving, O ye of little faith!

I realise that it is hard for us moderns to get our heads round the fact that the secular, liberal, anti-Christian view of history is false but you really must try and overcome the Secular Fundamentalist mumbo-jumbo that the media, the chattering classes and the more worldly of your teachers and professors have tried to hoodwink you with!

Real history and the truth is much more interesting, fascinating, inspiring and fulfilling.



And enjoy the book, too!"

Yes, folks, Jeff Davis really did wear them!



  1. Yeah, I linked over to your post in one of mine, and got the same response concerning Jefferson Davis. I was also accused of sympathy with a man who commited treason (kind of strange we Amercians forget we were acccused of that by the British Crown 90 years before). Great post though!

  2. Indeed!

    As I mention in an earlier post, a man said to Lincoln "If secession be an evil principle, then I say God save King George!".

    Well, quite!

    The Confederates had a much better claim to secede than ever the original American revolutionaries did.

    The latter were simply traitors. The Confederates were exercising a constitutional right given by the Declaration of Independence under the revolutionary settlement.

  3. He wore the Miraculous Medal, but he supported slavery. Obviously, the medal's influence didn't sink in.

  4. God gave you a brain but obviously its influence hasn't sunk in.
